Dream a Me and You World

Sometimes it feels hopeless and we feel powerless to make changes-especially when we hear of climate change, nuclear meltdowns, and various species dying due to the impact that us humans are having on this earth. It becomes vital that we intend to feel into our footprints on mother earth. In this imagining, we can dream a world that is sufficient. We can move from believing that there is not enough-to living and being from a place of enough.

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What is reborn?

In the Buddhist wisdom tradition, one looks directly at the make up of their minds to see clearly how this rebirth happens. We inquire into our experience-what is happening right now? Can we step off the cycle of birth and death by holding a contemplative view of meditation? As we deepen into mindful awareness, does this freedom allow for birth to be held in a much bigger space of loving presence? What is reborn?

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Contemplation: Mindfulness Practice and Awareness

Mindfulness practice helps us cultivate connection to the "one who knows." This training needs to be undertaken with support from peers, a teacher, and dedication to understanding how the mind constructs reality. We must be willing to ride the cycles of life with acceptance and compassion. Yes, this is much easier to write, hear, and listen to then to allow.

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