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Buddhist Geeks Weekend in Nashville

Public talk by Vincent Horn, February 19, 7 – 8 p.m., First Unitarian Universalist Church, 1808 Woodmont Blvd. Nashville

A Practical Method for Reprogramming the Mind
If we look at meditation–and mindfulness as one of its core aspects–as a way of programming the mind it becomes helpful to explore the different ways we can reprogram our reality. In this talk we’ll explore multiple training paradigms that come from both the Buddhist and Mindfulness traditions. We’ll look at how the perspective of each is different and why they’re designed to lead to different results. We’ll explore how our own intentions line up with these different training paradigms and consider ways we can change or enhance how we’re practicing.

Suggested donation: $20

Mindful Awareness Workshop with Emily and Vincent Horn,                                              Saturday, February 20, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Nashville Friends Meeting

In this workshop we’ll explore both the practice of mindfulness–actively noticing what you notice as you notice it–and awareness–simply being. We’ll use guided and silent practices as well as interactive social meditation. By learning these different techniques we move closer to being able to meld them into an integrated whole. Mindful awareness is the coming together of effortless being and active investigation. It’s being able to differentiate what’s arising in our experiential field while also resting in an undifferentiated awareness of it all. When we can move between mindfulness and awareness, merging and blending the two modes together, we become more responsive to our experience of life.

Workshop cost is $50 – $75 sliding scale plus dana (donation) to the teachers. More info and registration is here.

Sunday Meditation with the Buddhist Geeks, Sunday, February 21
9:30 – 11 a.m. Co-hosted with Against the Stream Nashville, 3816 Charlotte Ave.

We would love for you to join us for a morning of practice. There will be a 30 minute guided meditation, a short Dharma Talk, and time to ask questions and chat. Suggested donation: $20

Vincent Horn is part of a new generation of teachers & thinkers translating age-old wisdom into 21st century code. Vincent has been called a “power player of the mindfulness movement” by Wired magazine. He is the co-founder and CEO of @BuddhistGeeks and @MeditateIO.

Emily Horn is a meditation teacher trained by Jack Kornfield and Trudy Goodman. Her teaching style is influenced by Mindfulness meditation and revolves around the interwoven nature of contemplation, personal unfolding, and daily life. She is the director of operations at Buddhist Geeks.

For questions, email